
Modular Screen Room Installation - Wall Sections

Modular Screen Room Wall Installation

9' x 27' Screen room with 10' x 28' Insulated Roof

The project: (click on images for larger views)

screen room modular after side viewOur demonstration installation project is a 9' x 27' screen room with a 10' x 28' insulated roof system. The room is being installed on a ten year old treated lumber deck. The Screen room consist of two walls with the roof mounted to the eave. Because of the roof's valley dumping water onto the roof from two directions the customer was advised that the roof most likely will leak in the corner and that the roof should have a larger slope.

Step 1:

After you have read the instructions and identified the parts it is time to get started. The front wall gets erected first. If you lay out the bottom receiving channel and then the wall uprights you will have the room laid out. Check the corners for square and the wall uprights for plumb before securing them in place. Cutting a 45% angle in the bottom track (receiving channel) makes for a nicer installation (see photos)

screen wall receiving channel
cutting receiving channel
screen wall 45 degree angle
attach receiving channel
lay out channel
cutting angles
first angle cut
secure channel

Step 2:

A solid 4' x 8' x 2" insulated sandwich panel is provided that is to be cut length-wise, as needed to make the infill sections of your screen room. The infill areas will be located at the wall attaching points and at the corners as these areas are typically not plumb. The panel can be cut as needed to adjust for un-plumb house walls or measurement adjustments. The Step 2 photos show a panel being marked for cutting with a skill saw (use a plywood blade turned backwards, don't forget eye protecting and a long sleeve shirt - don't be like our guy in the picture!). The photos show the top of the panel cut to fit up and under the eave. This panel slips into the wall receiving channel and is attached with four 1/4” self drill screws each side.

modular screen room measuring fill panel
cutting fill panel
panel with custom cut
fill panel in place
measure and mark
cutting the panel
fill panel cut
set in place

Step 3:

Sort the wall panel boxes by number. Open the boxes as needed, if there is any question, open the boxes and measure the panels (number them so you know where they go). The measurements will match the drawings (plans) that came with the shipment (it's always best to double check the wall measurement before installing). The screen side goes out with the widest filler panel on the bottom. The photos show the first panel being set in place. The screen module fits right up to the filler panel you installed earlier and it slides into the modules frame work. Secure with 1/4” screws through the bottom track into the bottom modular aluminum frame work (two screws each side at the bottom of the mod). Attach the filler panel to the screen mod. with three screws each side spaced evenly. Subsequent wall panels snap together and are secured in the same manner.

modular screen room wall panel
installing panel
still installing panel
attaching wall panels
unpack a wall panel
set into place
push panels together
screw em down

Step 4:

The next wall starting point was installed next, this section cam pre-cut to the wall overhang angle. (see photo) An aluminum Cee shaped aluminum extrusion was cut to close of the panels open top end. Install the next panel in the number sequence. (photo Step 4-A ) Photo step 4-B shows the wall panels being screwed together. Photo Step 4-C shows the top Channel installed, it ties the top of the walls together.

modular screen room wall panel
installing panel
still installing panel
wall panel top track
wall panel (4-A)
attaching panels (4-B_
panels installed
top track (4-C)

Step 5:

corner extrustionStep Five is to install the corner extrusion. The photo shows a cut off piece of the corner sitting on the plans. This extrusion fits into the bottom track and onto the wall panel. Secure to the wall panel with screws at the bottom and to the to when the top cap is installed. Check for plumb with your level.

Step 6:

Continue installing panels until all are in place. The door frame panel will need the shipping bottom cross section removed before installation. The door frame panel should be the last panel installed as it has the most flexibility. Install your top channels at the top of all walls as needed.

modular screen room wall panel
installing panels
screw panels together
and the top track

Step 7:

Fill in the screw patterns in to secure the walls in place. The door can be done after the roof is in place. If you install the door now it just be in the way as the roof is being installed.

front wall screw pattern
screw pattern
panel screw pattern
and up top

Wall sections are done! (we will save the door for later) - now on to the roof!
Modular Screen Room Project  Wall Installation  ::   Roof Installation  ::   Project Overview

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